Sunday, May 1, 2016

Just Peachy

So, for those of you who aren't my facebook friends, a few weeks ago we announced that Miss Anne Douglas is going to be a Georgia Peach....and she is most excited about being able to attend SEC football games (as you can see, her gear is ready!)

Thats right folks, we are moving to the ATL, Hot-lanta, A-town. We decided that having a baby wasn't a big enough life change so we should add a new city, job change, short stint in stay at home mommyhood and a bar exam to the mix.  What can I say? We like to keep in interesting!!

We always planned on moving back south EVENTUALLY- in a few years, maybe. Then when we decided to have a baby, we begin to talk about moving in a year. Dave always liked the idea of moving early, but I was less keen on it - particularly while we were pregnant and my doctors were in DC and  I had great insurance, etc. We would at least be staying here until AD was born! So, when he brought up applying for a firm in Atlanta (which turned into interviewing with a few firms in atlanta) when I was 39 weeks pregnant, I said sure. I mean, with just beginning to look, surely we wouldn't be moving so soon right? It would just be the start of our search - but one of the jobs turned out to be a great fit for Dave - and it seemed that moving right after baby would be the best possible time for me (if you must have a gap in your resume, why not make it an extended maternity leave....) and so after much prayer and discussion - and some negotiating on how soon we could get down there, Dave accepted the job. We are CRAZY. As I said, why not take on one more life change? GO BIG OR GO HOME right???

I will be honest--- Atlanta, while a nice place to live, was not my first choice.  I had always hoped we would move to Birmingham - a city I love that is a good size, familiar to me, not far from home and perfectly situated between Auburn, Oxford and Starkville (priorities!!)  But after we did some research over the past 6 months, it seemed Atlanta had more opportunities for us. Plus it has the added benefit of being near family (Dave's sister and her family live in the area).  In fact, I believe years ago, I said "I will never live in Atlanta" (no offence Atlanta citizens, the metro area is just so large that I thought I would stay away) - but God had different plans than me! And, surprisingly, I am getting excited about it! This move will provide us with a chance to lay down some roots, buy a home, see friends and family more often  - and personally, for me, the opportunity to spend a few more months at home with my sweet girl!

We have really enjoyed DC.  I always wanted to live here - and I always wanted to work at BGR. Now, I have done both.  Leaving this city will be bittersweet. But, in all honesty, DC never felt like home in the same way that Jackson did.  I have friends here, but the city is transitional and we are constantly saying goodbye.  Also, we want to buy a house in the near future -- and as we have been saving the past few years and "browsing", we realized that in DC, we would either overspend when buying a house - or have to purchase a small condo.  Finally, while we love adventure and are fine living away from home, we are both very family oriented and wanted to live a little closer to home so that our kids could grow up seeing grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc a bit more often.

So, if I have been a bad blogger for awhile, its due to a new baby AND packing...and I will likely be a bit busy for the next few weeks so give me grace if the posts are few and far between, although I promise to try.

Prayers... please say a prayer for us as we move, particularly for me.  The move is a bit scarier when you are the one moving without a job.  I will be studying for a bar exam and eventually looking for a new job all at once, plus I will be staying at home in a city where I only know a few people. So please say a prayer for open doors, community and friendships, trust that this is the right decision and a smooth easy transition!  And come see us in Atlanta friends :)

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